Tuesday, April 26, 2011

 Hey Brandon, I couldn't find your post for prompt 50 this week, but I your post for 52 was great. Once again, I found this post to be very easily to relate to due to my very own pokemon obsession as a child. Your experiences with pokemon are probably much like many people our age. Your post was good in that it conveyed the feelings of kid who just experienced pokemon for the first time, without actually writing in the point of view of the kid. It seems to me that its more difficult to do. Kudos to you on that. Anyway, I wish you luck on your final and can't wait to read it later today!

  Hi there, Chelsee. It's our last official peer review. Here we go! Your first post about faith was a little sad. Sad for both of us because I could relate to it almost exactly. It's depressing to say that I'm sure many people can relate to this. I was glad to hear that your story had a happy ending though. Keep your head up; you'll get there eventually. Your second piece, "The Redneck in My Blood Loves Trucks," was entertaining. I'm not really a girly girl, but I can honestly say I don't know or even care to know much about vehicles. I think it's cool that you like trucks so much. The piece was well written and had great voice. I got a real sense of your personality out of this. Once again, good luck on the final and I can't wait to read the rough draft!

  Hey again, Alyssa! Your post on faith this week was extremely moving. May I be as bold as to say I think it would be a great piece for you to do your final essay on? I really loved it and was personally moved and forced to think about my own definition of faith because as of late, I've been lacking in that department. It was full of voice and passion and though I don't know how long ago this happened, I'm sorry for your loss. Your second post was great also. It reminded me much of my own of the same prompt. Little kids are so hilarious. Their thought processes are amazing and I think you captured the innocence perfectly. You're a great writer and I can't wait to read your rough draft for your final paper later today. Good luck! 

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